Blue and White Monday

I've got some pretty blue and white eye candy for you today.  I came across this Martyn Lawrence Bullard room over the weekend, and love it.  Don't know if I could live with that much red, but I certainly can enjoy looking at this photo.  Red with blue and white is always so beautiful.

This bedroom by Gideon Mendelson is incredible.  I'm crazy about the black bed against all the blue and white.

Do you like the bright yellow nightstand?  I think it looks gorgeous.

This is also a new (to me) image.  This bathroom is exactly what I'd love to have. Anyone know this paper?

Not new to me, but I just love this vignette.  It's simple, but not.  I don't see a thing I don't like.

I didn't get invited to this lovely reception, but I'm so happy I saw this photo.

This bathroom is beautiful, too.  I'm thinking a blue and white bath may be in my future.

Another image that's not new to me, but I keep being drawn to it strongly.  I'm sure I don't need to explain.  I think I could see it everyday and it wouldn't get old.
And here's a new print I've added to my store.  I thought Blue and White Monday was the perfect day to share.  I could see it in different rooms, but I love it for a children's room or nursery the most.  I hope your week's off to a great start!  Thanks so much for coming by!

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