Lisa Fine Decorates a Dallas Apartment

Ango-Indian bench in front of a panoramic de Gournay wallpaper in the Dallas apartment designed by Lisa Fine

The November issue of House Beautiful features the amazing Dallas apartment Lisa Fine designed for her mother.  As a longtime fan of both her fabrics and fashion, I was excited to see these gorgeous interiors.  

Interestingly, Lisa Fine's had no professional training in interior design.  I notice many of my favorite designers haven't either.  To successfully integrate so many colors, patterns and textures, she's obviously a natural.  And, if textile design and creating a fashion label in collaboration with Carolina Irving weren't enough, she's also been a contributing editor for House Beautiful and Elle Decor. In reading about her, I discovered that she graduated from the same school here in Dallas that my daughter attends -- small world.

Be sure to see the November 2015 HB issue.  I've only shared some of Miguel Flores-Vianna's incredible photos of this spectacular space.


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