In the Kitchen?

I've been thinking about kitchens after seeing the one above on Pinterest.  

Then I saw this.  It's a built in place in the kitchen counter for an iPad just in case you weren't sure (which I wasn't).  Hmmm.  I have an iPad.  Am I supposed to be using it in the kitchen?  

Yes, it looks like I am.  And why hadn't I thought of it before?  I get recipes online all the time (thank you Belle on Heels), but I print them and take them into the kitchen.

What about you?  Do you use an iPad in the kitchen?

And it's Friday!  So you should have a bit of amusement.  Do you see these on Pinterest?  I see lots of them and they're so funny.  There are others that are funnier, but I daren't share them here!

Happy Friday!

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