Emerald For Your Home and For You

I have to say that when Pantone announced that Emerald is the color of 2013, I was thrilled.  Is anybody reading this old enough to remember Color Me Beautiful?  I'll have to post on this soon -- it would be interesting and funny.  Everyone is a "season" based on his or her coloring.  As a "winter," I'm supposed to steer clear of yellows and oranges.  I remember the author mentioning that people are drawn to their most flattering colors, and that holds true for me.  So, I wasn't a huge tangerine person last year.  Green, especially emerald, is such a refreshing color.  It makes me feel great to see it.  I'm sharing some home and fashion accessories in emerald today that I absolutely adore and am working hard not to purchase.

This pair of fantastic foo dogs, along the the beautiful finial at the top of the post are both from Hilary Thomas' Chic Shop.

Nancy Gonzales via Motilo.com

I thought I'd share one of my "uniforms" as it incorporates emerald.  I'm going to keep it real here.  I may be sharing some gorgeous, chic items today, but I'm not wearing them.  This is exactly what I have on today.  In fact, any day that I'm only driving carpool and going to the grocery store and the like, I'll wear this or this with a different color fleece.  And make-up applied in less than two minutes.  Comfort is key.  I call this a "uniform."  Do you have a uniform?

These are a few of the emerald prints in my shop.  

What about you?  Were you happy with Pantone's selection?  If it were all up to you, what color would you name for 2014?

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