Blue and White Monday

Oh my goodness, we're being inundated with back to school, and I'm not liking it one bit.  I want to hide my head in the sand and pretend we still have lots of summer ahead of us.  This unstructured time with no homework is so nice.  So, I'm wanting to see pretty blue and white outdoor photos today.  What about you? Are you ready for summer to end?

 Last week I had the Fabricut Charlotte Moss Vol. #2 at home because I'm helping a friend with a project.  Lots of these you may already have seen. I snapped pics with my iPhone, so apologies about the quality.

The two images above show my favorite.  It's called Fanny.

The scale on this one is very large.  This image is the entire piece from the book.

And here's what the pattern looks like.  This is the one I've seen all over Pinterest.  What I hadn't known is how pretty it is in person. Hopefully, you can see a bit of that even though my phone photos are so bad.

Some little thumbnails of blue and white prints available from my store, The Pink Pagoda.  

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