Blue and White Monday with Cathy Kincaid Interiors

Cathy Kincaid Interiors is very appropriate for Blue and White Monday. I've shared her work here many times, but I've never done an entire feature on her beautiful interiors.  As she uses blue and white beautifully, I'm overdue. Cathy is a Texas girl. She graduated from TCU, and worked for Joseph Minton before moving to Dallas in 1976.  One of the things for which she's most known is the 2003 Southern Accents Show House, which was spectacular. I spent an afternoon there, and enjoyed every minute.

Her portfolio is extensive.  I've shared only a small fraction of the gorgeousness available to peruse.  To see more go here.  Well, what do you think?  I know you will have seen some of these incredible rooms before.  Do you have a favorite?

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