One Room Challenge Week One

The amazing blogs listed above are all participating in the One Room Challenge.  Linda, of Calling It Home, created and organized the challenge, and I so much appreciate being included. The objective is to finish one room in 6 weeks.  If you're new to The Pink Pagoda, thank you very much for visiting today.  I'm happy you're here!  

The room I'll be doing is my 15-year-old daughter's bedroom. We're working as a team on the room. She's making most of the design decisions and I'm implementing. The last time her room was redone (not too long ago, unfortunately) she didn't love it.  She helped make the choices then, too.  This time, we're making sure that everything will work for a very long time!

East Wall

As you can see, we never got to the styling stage.  She just wasn't excited, which was not a good sign.

West Wall

South Wall
We didn't even do a window treatment.  She was obviously not liking this direction, and I didn't want to invest more time or money into something that wasn't working.

North Wall
She asked for all of the art to be musical theater related which is
her extra-curricular pastime.  Now, she wants more of a mix.  

North Wall
These blackout roller shades are not very decorative.  

Notice all the right angles?  Everything is just much too rigid. 

I don't blame my daughter for not loving her room.  It's kind of cold, bare and rigid. I asked her to go to my Bedroom Pinterest Board and see if she could find some bedrooms she loves.  The four images below are what she came up with.

Emily Henderson via Apartment Therapy

MFAMB via Mimosa Lane

So, this last one is interesting as it's a former bedroom of Naomi Stein from Design Manifest.  Naomi is a ORC participant.  Maybe she can tell me what I should call this look as I am not hip enough to know.  

Next week I hope to have lots of progress to share.  Getting rid of those stripes is first on our list!  Thoughts?  Advice?  Suggestions? 

  To go to Week Two go here.

Now, please go see what these amazingly talented ladies are doing in their rooms:

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