Blue & White Monday, $500 Gift Card to Horchow & Happy St. Patrick's Day

First things first -- it's Blue and White Monday, and I have pretties to share. Have you seen the House Beautiful feature on Ali Fuge's apartment?  I absolutely love it all.  I just have three photos from the feature, and you should definitely go here to see the rest.

This photo makes me happy.  My eyes are craving green after this winter, are yours?

Art-Filled & Feminine
So, now on to the "how to win a $500 gift card to Horchow" section of the post!  I'm partnering this week with Polyvore on their Project Decorate contest.  I chose the theme, the items, and put this "set" together.  Creating sets, (that's what they call them on Polyvore, but I usually call them boards) is very easy and fun. Each one you create and submit to the Project Decorate contest is an entry.  There will be two winners who receive a $500 gift card to Horchow.  I'm going to have such fun this week looking at all of the entries, and I'll be sharing some of them here all week. 

And, finally, I did not forget about St. Patrick's Day.    I love all shades of green, and this day gives me the perfect excuse to corral some of my favorite green and gorgeous.


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