Blue and White Monday || Christmas

Aren't these images beautiful? They're from this feature in At Home Arkansas.

This gorgeous table is from a Christmas wedding that you can read about here.

Don't you just love these ornaments?  I purchased some last year, and my parents also brought me some for a surprise (They know what I like, don't they?).  Below is a photo of our den last Christmas, and you can spot a few of them on the tree. I tried to add to the collection recently, and was disappointed to learn they're no longer available.

These Thomas Glenn ornaments are so pretty.  Especially the balls. I believe I'll be starting a new collection : )

You can see many of them here

But, if I were Emily, I wouldn't need to purchase ornaments.  I'd just make them myself! You can go here to be amazed by how she's made these ornaments, Christmas stockings, and other impressive accomplishments I'll never attempt.

Do you have a favorite annual you use during this time of year?  I never tire of cyclamen. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful.  I put them in the pots outside the front door, and I enjoy them indoors as well. I use both pink and red indoors, but outdoors I always plant red.  They look perfect with the red bow on our Christmas wreath.

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