Purposeful Design: Planned or Collected?

 Interior Design by Janet Gregg , Photography by Peter Murdock via July/August House Beautiful

I was recently taking yet another look through the incredible July/August issue of HB. This bookcase image, above, is hands down my most favorite photo included. Stacks of amazing books, breathtaking flowers, and incredible styling -- what's not to love?  

 Interior Design by Janet Gregg, Photography by Peter Murdock via July/August House Beautiful

I believe we should approach our interiors purposefully, and have shared about that before here, and here.  A couple of spaces in this HB issue stood out as both absolutely gorgeous, and as perfect examples of an aspect of design we should consider before embarking on a project.  The Janet Gregg room looks more collected and organic, while the Elizabeth Pyne room appears more planned and precise.  

 Interior Design by Elizabeth Pyne, Photography by Ngoc Minh Ngo via July/August HB

Neither is preferable; it's just a matter of personal taste.  What's important is knowing what will make you and your family feel best in your home before starting a project.  Working toward your own specific objectives will create spaces you'll love.

 Interior Design by Janet Gregg, Photography by Peter Murdock via July/August House Beautiful

Personally, I adore both of these spaces, and think my preference falls in the middle which is another option.  Striking a balance between the collected and the planned seems to be what I've done in my house.  

Interior Design by Elizabeth Pyne, Photography by Ngoc Minh Ngo via July/August HB

What about you?  Which look do you prefer -- collected and more random,  planned and decorated, or somewhere in the middle?

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