One Room Challenge Week Four

Ashley Whittaker

Schuyler Samperton

At Home in Arkansas via Carrie Leber

via Absolutely Beautiful Things

Just because we're at Week Four of The One Room Challenge doesn't mean I can't find new inspiration photos.  If you're new, see Week One here to learn about the challenge and see my before photos.  Week Two can be seen here, and Week Three here.  My room is really going to be a close finish with only two weeks to go.  I'm living on the edge.

The upholsterer has picked up my sofa and chairs, and the fabric I'm using is above.  That part is done.  The possible drapes fabric above doesn't have to be ordered.  It's here in Dallas.  I had thought blue originally, but I like the neutral.  It's several shades darker than the wall paint, and looks good with the rug background and the upholstery.  What are your thoughts?  Dallas has lots of fabric stores with beautiful linen on the bolt.  I could go with a color, and would love your opinion.  Remember -- I'm not an interior designer, and I need help!  I know I want pinch pleats.  And yes, it can still be done in time.  

This has been ordered and will be here this week.

This too.

Here's some art for the room from Amanda Collis, an Etsy seller I've admired for a while.

And this is from Shelly Porter, a Houston artist also on Etsy.  These colors make me happy!

I saw this on the fantastic blog House Four, and asked Janet if she'd sell one to me.  She's a talented photographer, and I was excited to add a photo to the mix.

So that's my update this week.  Please visit all the following ladies to see what exciting news they're sharing today.

Lauren - The Cottage Mix
Lindsay - Everything LEB
Barbara - Hodge:Podge
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Jessie - Mix & Chic
Danylle - Nana Moon
Jennifer - The Pink Pagoda
Bethany - Powell Brower Home
Emily - Rue de Emily
Lindsay - Sadie + Stella

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