Blue and White Monday -- NAVY!

Beth, over at Chinoiserie Chic, named navy as the Chinoiserie Chic Color of the Year.  I love her choice.  She mentions that navy works as a neutral which is so true.  I love it with pretty much every color.  It's amazing how easily it works with everything.  See her post here.

Miles Redd

Barrie Benson


The three rooms above are gorgeous.  While I adore all three, they are examples of rooms with navy I love to gaze upon, but couldn't live with.  I need my house to be very light.  Light rooms like the four below make me feel happier and more energetic.  

Celerie Kemble

Kelly Proxmire

Meg Braff

Sara Gilbane Interiors

This past summer, when I redid our family room/den (One Room Challenge), I chose to create a light room, but use navy for accents around the room.  Above are fabrics I chose for the pillows which are shown below.

Here's one view of the room.  I commissioned Kerry Steele to paint this painting for me and asked her to use a bit of navy.    Besides the navy in the art and in the pillows, the blue and white porcelain incorporates navy.  I love being able to enjoy navy in the room while still having the overall effect be very light.

Suellen Gregory

Can you believe this door?  I love it with the yellow.

Phillips de Veer

Navy and orange is gorgeous, too.


Without the navy to ground the pastels here, it would be too sweet.

my breakfast room

and laundry room

Design Manifest

The three photos above show how well navy and red work together.

Lauren Stern Design

Jonathan Adler

And don't navy and green look gorgeous together, too?  All the navy I've been seeing on Chinoiserie Chic has inspired me to create some new navy prints for my Etsy store.  I've got four new ones that you can see here, and I'll be adding several more in the next day or so.  What do you think about navy?  Are you a fan?  And, if so, what color or colors do you like to see it with?

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