2014 Fall One Room Challenge Week Three

I'm happy you're here to see my One Room Challenge Week Three progress! If you missed Weeks 1 and 2, go here.  The ORC is a room redesign event shared over six weekly posts created and organized by Linda from Calling it Home.  

Here's my entrance hall pre-ORC.  As you can see, it needed some life.  It was meh (lackluster, uninspiring or unexceptional).  Below is the settee I shared last week that will be placed in the entry. I found it at a local consignment store summer before last and have been hoarding it.  It had to be lacquered and reupholstered. The fabrics with asterisks were contenders.

I also considered this Charlotte Moss fabric, but decided a solid should happen.

Every other fabric was forgotten when I saw this Stroheim Velvet Strie in Sky. The gorgeousness doesn't come completely through in photos -- you have to see it in person.  It's really just luscious.

I saw it in a Stroheim fabric book and took a phone photo of the back information side so I wouldn't forget.  

Stroheim is a "to the trade" fabric, and I don't have a relationship with the Dallas fabric showrooms.  I'd been hearing positive things about DecoratorsBest and decided to give them a call.  I'm so glad I did.  They were lovely to work with, and my blue velvet arrived several days later.  

Below is the settee "before"

And, here's the "after."
I was so excited about the lines of this settee and the beautiful velvet. I wanted someone amazing to do the lacquer and upholstery for me, and knew that it needed to happen at Again and Again.  If you're in Dallas, you most likely know about Leslie Pritchard and Again and Again.  They are known for doing precisley this type of job, and doing it beautifully.  They're also known for having an incredible collection of mid-century furniture and accessories filling their 12,000 square foot space.

And, here's the settee placed generally where it will stay.  I couldn't be happier with its transformation. Next week, I'll have an update on the lantern and the paintings. I'll also have news to share on the rug I found and the wall sconce that will be installed this week.  Lots and lots going on!  

Be sure to see how these lovely ladies have progressed this week:

                 Abby M. Interiors             

Trademarked by Calling it Home

Also, don't miss all of the One Room Challenge Linking Participants at Calling it Home tomorrow.  There are 90 some odd bloggers over there on Thursdays doing amazing things you don't want to miss.

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