One Room Challenge Family Room Redux Week Three

I'm participating in the Thursday group One Room Challenge created by Linda at Calling It Home, and am working on the family room in our house. To catch up, see Weeks One and TwoOf the many times I've shared this space, I've purposefully omitted a rather large and unfortunate element.  It came with the house, and I should have done something about it years ago.  

I've never pointed the camera up toward the ceiling.  Why would I? I'm not worried about stepping on toes here.  I know I'm not the only one with this ceiling fan, but I'm confident that anyone reading an interior design blog who also has one of these is aware that it's not pretty.

I've kept it because it's hot here in Dallas during the summer, and there are times that we use it.  However, I've recently come to the long overdue conclusion that the amount of time we don't use it is significantly greater than the amount of time we do.  Why should this be part of the room all year long when it's so rarely used?  I'm having it removed and replaced it with a chandelier.  For those unbearably hot days, I'll have a tower fan I can pull out of a closet and then put back away again easily. I haven't chosen one yet. If you have one you like, please let me know.

This one gets great reviews and looks far more attractive than most.

This one gets good reviews, is less good looking, but is about a fifth of the other's price.

Never have I participated in an ORC where I've procrastinated as much as this.  I don't know what will replace the fan, but I'd better decide something very soon.  Please tell me your thoughts on the following.


Or, I already have something very similar to this brass Williamsburg chandelier that could be lacquered in white and save tons of money.  What would you do?  After this past fall's One Room Challenge where Coleen Rider from Coleen & Company made a custom pagoda lantern for my entry, none of these feel nearly as exciting.  

When I worked in this room three years ago, much of it was easy. Choosing fabric for the windows, furniture, and pillows didn't make me a bit nervous. Neither did finding accessories or window hardware. What intimidates me is the styling.  I asked a talented lady come to help me with the bookcases the last time.  I should have asked her to style the coffee table, too.  

This time around, I feel exactly the same.  I've pulled so many things out of the bookcases, but lack the confidence to start arranging.  I may just wing it and hope for the best, or bring in help again.  You can see in this photo that the coffee table is a little uninspired.  What should happen instead though, is beyond me. I know this amazingly incredible coffee table book (which is also my pick for the absolute most perfect Mother's Day gift) will be prominently displayed. 

There's so much more going on in this room and I'll be sharing more next week. Now, go to Calling It Home to see the unbelievable number of other interior projects taking place all over the country as a part of The One Room Challenge.  

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